Posts in Uncategorized

The Clear and Present AI Danger

From RealClearPolicy May 24, 2023 Does artificial intelligence threaten to conquer humanity? In recent months, the question[…]

Corporations Embracing ESG Must Lose Their Legal Protection

From RealClearPolicy February 27, 2023 ESG, an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance, is everywhere. If you[…]

Liberty, Justice, and Peace on Earth

From American Greatness Jan. 21, 2023 Years ago, while demonstrating to support or oppose some very important[…]

Will Hispanics Save America?

From The Epoch Times Oct. 20, 2022 Opportunity. It’s why we all came here. For generations, immigrants[…]

The Trans Movement and the Woke Soul

From Human Events July 20, 2022 America’s abandonment of faith gave rise to a new Woke religion.[…]

Right Opposes All Supremacists, Left Only White Supremacists

From Newsmax May 24, 2022 co-authored with Jeff Ballabon White supremacism is back in the news. Why?[…]

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