An American Vision for the Middle East

American Restoration
American Restoration Institute
About Bruce
Author, financial analyst, attorney
Bruce Abramson, Ph.D, JD, possesses a rare ability to express complex analyses in simple English. His twenty-five years as an Intellectual Property consultant, an economic analyst, and an attorney have taught him to speak technology, business, and law with equal comfort. His decade-plus in litigation and regulatory settings has sensitized him to the unique needs of clients operating in adversarial environments. He employs these skills along several avenues:
- As an expert witness, he focuses primarily on two critical elements of corporate litigation: valuing damages/remedies; and industry analysis in technology industries.
- As a consultant, he helps his clients navigate complex litigation or regulatory hurdles, value portfolios of intellectual property and other intangible assets and execute successful launch strategies and growth plans.
- As a mediator, he helps parties cut through emotionally charged positioning to find rational, cost-effective solutions.
- As a speaker, he combines information and entertainment to tailor presentations on a wide variety of topics to the interests and background of his audience.
He is also active in relevant research, having written two books on technology policy aimed at a general audience, published extensively in the scholarly literature of Computer Science, Management, and Law, and had his article on admissibility standards for expert testimony named one of the year’s best by the Defense Law Journal.
Bruce’s previous books have addressed technology policy, innovation law, Middle East politics, and political philosophy. He is a patriotic American who has spent most of his life living in the progressive enclaves of New York, Los Angeles, Washington, and San Francisco.


Joel Pollack
“Americans face a bizarre new political landscape. A supposedly ‘moderate’ president, who ran on promises of ‘unity,’ is pursuing a radical left-wing agenda. These challenges call for principled, effective opposition. The New Civil War will help start a conversation about how to push back.”

Harmeet Dhillon
Civil Rights Lawyer
“As a lawyer who defends the victims of progressivism every day, I have looked into the eyes of the thought police. The New Civil War provides the wake-up call America needs and serves as a self-defense manual for patriotic Americans.”

Blue Ink Review
“Progressives will likely find that The New Civil War restates standard conservative apologia. Still, the book will allow them to view themselves as the other side does. Conservatives, on the other hand, will find the book a passionate, concise and well-argued roadmap for planning and executing their own resistance.”

Fred Siegel
Author, Revolt Against the Masses
“Bruce Abramson has witnessed firsthand the hollowing out of scholarship in the American academy and watched as clichés and credentials became substitutes for intellect and evidentiary argument. The New Civil War is the best account to date of how the empty claims of expertise have led America into a political cul-de-sac.”

Ron Coleman
Lawyer and Podcaster
“Bruce is one of the smartest guys I know, and the breadth of his expertise is frankly intimidating. I always look forward to sharing his wisdom with my podcast audience.”